For our Overseas Exhibitors!
A project dedicated for you to directly promote to Importers/Agents/Buyer/and more..!
Increase your chances of even more business matches.

do you have any of these thoughts?

  • “I want to meet Agents/Importers from Japan”
  • “How do I make the best use of exhibiting?”
  • “How can I increase business matches at the show?”

we have a solution for you

PROMOTE your products , BEFORE the Show!!

“The World Products”

Is an online platform where you can promote your products freely and we promote it directly to all buyers, especially Agents/Importers.
All of our overseas exhibitors will be shown on “The World Products”, a dedicated page on GiftNet®.

GiftNet® × the world products

GiftNet® is our official trade show online platform. It has been used by over 100,000 buyers, as a search engine for our exhibitors! They are able to search for products/companies before, during, AND after the show!!

GiftNet® image

Japanese buyers tend to research before the show and make note of which exhibitors they want to meet at the show. Make sure you use this free site, before the show, so you can attract and make sure, many buyers come to your booth on the day of the show!

GiftNet® image

What can you show on your page?

You can display...

  • Product images, product descriptions, and videos
  • More detailed product and exhibitor information
  • Explain what you can offer (minimum purchasing number, OEM available, prices, etc.)
  • And so much more!!

GiftNet® image


  • July 29th
    ID & password for “GiftNet®” will be sent out
  • July 29th~August 20th
    You can edit & customize your ‘Exhibitor’s Page’!
  • August 21st
    Open day for “GiftNet®”. Accessible to all of our buyers!
    • Newsletter about the opening of GiftNet®, will be sent to our buyers.
    • In the same week, we will be sending a Newsletter to our Importers, Agents, Overseas product buyers, etc., introducing “The World Products”.

Click here!